Why Hypnotherapists Must Tell Their Story


Learning to tell your story in a compelling way will set you above other hypnotherapists. It will make you relatable to your clients. It will make you approachable. It will draw your ideal clients towards you. It will give your potential clients the confidence that you understand the challenges they are facing.

Hypnotherapy has become a crowded space with many new entrants every week! You must differentiate yourself to stand out in this sea of other Hypnotherapists. You must ensure you rise and stand out to your ideal clients. Whether you are a new or an experienced therapist, telling your story authentically and compellingly will transform your Practice. You will get more clients. You will get more of the right kind of clients. You will spend more time working in the areas that you love to work in.

Since the dawn of time, humans have told stories to communicate and influence. The art of storytelling today, epitomised by Hollywood, has become sophisticated and incredibly powerful.

The movie industry understands how to tell stories that grab your attention, take you on a journey and then draw you into wanting more. Imagine if you could tap into that formula.

It is vital to be able to tell your story. However, you need to tell it the right way. And yes, you do have a story! Everybody has a unique story of how they got to where they are today. This is your story of how and why you became a therapist. It is your story of how you came to want to help people.

But it’s not enough to have a story! It’s not sufficient to tell your story. You need to tell your story using a proven formula that works. A formula that will excite and attract your ideal clients.

What better formula then to use than the exact formula used by Hollywood scriptwriters?

In my BOOST Academy training for Hypnotherapists, I teach people how to tell their stories in exactly this way. I call it the Hollywood Film Formula. This proven formula captures your client’s attention and will draw your clients into wanting to go on a journey with you.

To build a successful hypnotherapy Practice, you must put the foundations for building your Brand in place. And the cornerstone of building your Brand is telling your compelling story. When you get your story right, it informs what you need to do to build your Brand.

When your Brand is right, the Offerings you need to meet your client’s needs become clear. When you get your offerings correct, you know exactly what marketing Outreach you need to implement.

In BOOST Academy, this is the system that we teach, helping you put in place your Brand, Offerings, Outreach and all the systems and techniques you will need to build a thriving hypnotherapy Practice.

Would you like to know how BOOST Academy could help you to build a thriving Hypnotherapy Business?

Visit www.helpforhypnotherapists.com/courses

Differentiate and grow your business today.

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Author Profile

Steve Butler
Steve has spent his career working in technology, focused on using technology to improve processes, reduce effort and harness the power of data.

Steve intimately understands Google and technologies critical to a therapy business today. He understands the algorithms and has tremendous insights into emerging technologies such as Artificial Intelligence that present an incredible opportunity for therapists. His knowledge allows us as therapists to reach our target audience and for our target audience to find the right therapist for them. Steve has worked extensively around leveraging technology for hypnotherapists for the last three years.

Steve is an expert in organic marketing, allowing hypnotherapists to grow credibility and online ‘authority’ without the need for expensive advertising or hours on social media.

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