Should you sell multiple sessions upfront?
Many therapists building their Hypnotherapy Practice grapple with this question. I get asked a lot in BOOST Academy. Of course, one of the challenges for hypnotherapists is the short-term nature of client engagements. Add to this that many of us are not charging what we’re worth, and it’s easy to see why the idea of booking multiple sessions is attractive.
However, is this the right thing to do? Primarily is this the right thing for your client? Secondly, is it the best thing to do for your practice?
In this video, I take you through the pros and cons of selling multiple sessions and recommend an alternative strategy that will give your clients more value and, consequently, be more valuable to you; enjoy the video.
Author Profile
Steve has spent his career working in technology, focused on using technology to improve processes, reduce effort and harness the power of data.
Steve intimately understands Google and technologies critical to a therapy business today. He understands the algorithms and has tremendous insights into emerging technologies such as Artificial Intelligence that present an incredible opportunity for therapists. His knowledge allows us as therapists to reach our target audience and for our target audience to find the right therapist for them. Steve has worked extensively around leveraging technology for hypnotherapists for the last three years.
Steve is an expert in organic marketing, allowing hypnotherapists to grow credibility and online ‘authority’ without the need for expensive advertising or hours on social media.
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