The secrets of Successful Hypnotherapy Marketing
As a hypnotherapist, therapist, or hypnotist, learning and understanding the secrets of successful marketing to grow your business is essential. After all, what good is being the best at what you do if no one knows about it? This blog post will share expert tips on marketing your hypnotherapy business for success. Stay tuned!
Marketers must understand the psychology of buying hypnotherapy.
Marketers are critical in today’s business world, as they drive consumer trust and engagement. Good, professional marketers understand how human emotions influence the buying decisions of the products they promote.
As a hypnotherapist looking for marketing support, you will encounter two significant issues in getting adequate marketing support to grow and sustain your business.
Firstly, very few marketing professionals understand marketing a service like hypnotherapy. People buy hypnotherapy for very different reasons than how they buy other products. It is a profoundly personal and emotional decision. They need to decide if they are ready for help, they need to decide what sort of therapy they want to do, and then they must decide upon the therapist that they are prepared to put their trust in. It is a complex and highly emotional decision-making process. Only some professional marketing people understand the complexity and psychology of buying this type of therapy. Yes, they could learn it, but you do not want to spend your money and time teaching them!
Secondly, many people are promoting ‘silver bullet’ solutions to get you, clients. These are typically people who are not ‘holistic’ marketing professionals but are rather people who are familiar with (and tied to) what I call ‘point solutions.’ This means they are aligned to a single ‘silver bullet’ approach based upon a product they are familiar with. You have probably seen lots of this. Maybe they are promoting Linked In Marketing; Maybe it’s Facebook; perhaps it is Google ad words. They are selling a particular product that they know, and their approach is to sell you their product and try and make it fit with what you need. I have yet to see this deliver the results for a hypnotherapist.
These point products may have a place in your marketing strategy, but they are not silver bullets. We see too many hypnotherapists who spend lots of money without any positive return on their investment. Furthermore, they may have lost several months hoping things would improve when they could have implemented a system that works for them.
Successful hypnotherapy marketing requires a system rather than a ‘silver bullet.’
Creating a system for successful hypnotherapy marketing requires an intentional blend of elements to create the desired flow in an end-to-end marketing system. No ‘silver bullet campaign is going to deliver for you. Developing and refining a proven system ensures a consistent reach that pays off with reliable returns over time. Better still, and certainly quicker, is to buy into a proven, holistic marketing system that you know already works in your market.
Incongruent branding will cause you to lose your prospect’s trust.
Consistency in your company’s branding is crucial to developing trust with potential clients. Ensure that all your materials, from print and web documents to emails, commercials, and appearances, keep on message. You must illustrate consistency in all marketing efforts so prospects can be confident in your service. Anything off-message or incongruent can quickly lose the trust of your prospect. Clients can sense something ‘doesn’t feel right’ and quickly take their business elsewhere. Consistency in branding is a critical factor for success in any industry, but even more when selling a service where trust and confidence in you must be at the centre.
Being your authentic best self will attract the right clients.
An authentic presence in your brand marketing is essential to success and should focus on the value you bring. Building a genuine connection with your customers and delivering meaningful, unique content requires being genuinely yourself. Being authentic means being open to feedback from your audience, exposing things about yourself that are vulnerable, and showing up as you are—all of which allow for genuine connections and relatability. Make sure you show up in your marketing as the best version of yourself; be brave enough to be vulnerable, be courageous enough to be authentic, and be confident in who you are. When you do this, your ideal audience will come to know, like and trust you. This will allow them to buy from you confidently.
You must be willing and able to tell your story.
Storytelling is a powerful tool that allows us to connect with others, spread knowledge and lessons, and elevate our empathy. In the words of Hollywood film author Robert McKee: “Storytelling is the most powerful way to put ideas into the world today.” It doesn’t matter who you are; if you are willing and able to tell your story engagingly, you can make a huge impact. Those who can master story-telling will have a distinct advantage. Taking the time to prepare your report and practice its delivery will pay dividends in terms of how effectively you share your account with your audience. The truth and passion behind your story are fundamental to attracting more right clients to you and your brand.
We believe that ‘everything starts with a story.’ In our BOOST Academy, we teach our clients how to tell their stories using the Hollywood Film Formula. This proven formula allows you to grab your prospect’s attention and draw them towards you and your brand. Get your story right, and your marketing will fall into place.
You want to be successful in marketing your hypnotherapy business. To do that, it is essential that you understand the psychology of your target buyers and create an end-to-end system that is consistent, congruent and authentic. There is no silver bullet in marketing a hypnotherapy business, but many people sell them. Any marketing support you buy must understand the psychology of your target buyers and the very different nature of marketing a hypnotherapy business.
To learn more about how to effectively market your hypnotherapy business, check out our website for free guides or contact us today for a free initial consultation.
Most hypnotherapists and therapists want to focus their time and energy on helping clients. Too many end up spending more time doing everything they hate doing. They spend hours on marketing and social media and consume vast amounts of money on adverts that do not generate a return.
There is a better way. We have developed a system called BOOST Academy for Hypnotherapists. It is a system designed and delivered in the hypnotherapy business, increasing sales more than fivefold. This system is created by a successful Hypnotherapist and a digital marketing expert who has spent the last three years working with hypnotherapists. This system is proven and leverages the latest technological developments to keep you several steps ahead of the competition.
We provide a Blueprint that you can follow to implement a proven system that will get you more clients, raise your value and reduce the time you spend doing things you dislike.
Would you like an instant diagnostic of the completeness of your marketing strategy? Follow this link now and get your free analysis.
Author Profile
Steve has spent his career working in technology, focused on using technology to improve processes, reduce effort and harness the power of data.
Steve intimately understands Google and technologies critical to a therapy business today. He understands the algorithms and has tremendous insights into emerging technologies such as Artificial Intelligence that present an incredible opportunity for therapists. His knowledge allows us as therapists to reach our target audience and for our target audience to find the right therapist for them. Steve has worked extensively around leveraging technology for hypnotherapists for the last three years.
Steve is an expert in organic marketing, allowing hypnotherapists to grow credibility and online ‘authority’ without the need for expensive advertising or hours on social media.
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