Hypnotherapy or Talking Therapies
Many people come to RTT Therapy or Hypnotherapy as a last resort. They have already tried counselling or other talking therapies, they may have been prescribed medications by their doctor, or they may have tried CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy). However, they have not made the progress they wanted and likely felt frustrated and stuck. Most people want to move on and put their problems behind them. We can only take so much talking about an issue!
I believe that more people should consider Hypnotherapy as their first option. In this blog, I will discuss why Hypnotherapy (and its different modalities) may be better than talking therapies for many people. I will also explain the other factors that come into play to affect the outcomes that you are likely to achieve.
I’m Jonathan butler from My Fit Mind. I am a Clinical Hypnotherapist, RTT Therapist and Mindset Coach. I want to share with you why I believe, in my experience, that Hypnotherapy is often far more effective than talking treatments like counselling or CBT.
This is based on my experience working with thousands of clients as a therapist and my experience with using those different therapies. Here are the five reasons Hypnotherapy is often more effective than CBT or other talking therapies.
1. Hypnotherapy is designed to get quick results
Many people come to me after they’ve been in talking therapy, like counselling, often for months or even years. They come to me because they haven’t moved on. So, what we look to do as Hypnotherapists is to get people where they want to be within just one to three sessions of Hypnotherapy.
Many clients get what they need out of just one session. The majority get what they need from one to two sessions, and almost everybody gets genuine, significant progress from three sessions. So, in my experience with Hypnotherapy, it gets rapid results, and the outcomes people want. Some people present with extremely complicated issues and require more than three sessions. Topics such as deep depression can be harder to make quick progress. However, requiring more than three sessions is the exception rather than the rule.
2. The changes felt from Hypnotherapy
Of course, every therapist gets different results. I can only speak from my experience and the results my clients tell me they get. Let’s face it; if you’re going to therapy, you’re not going for a chat. You want to get the outcomes you need, and in measuring my results, I see that 84% of my clients report significant improvements after just 21 days and one session with me. After just one session, people, on average, say they get a 41% improvement in how they feel about themselves.
3. It will likely cost you less than talking therapies.
Counselling or talking therapy usually involves seeing a therapist weekly, often over a prolonged period. Seeing a therapist weekly, month after month, and year after year can get expensive; even if you’re dealing with a relatively inexpensive therapist charging 60 pounds or 70 dollars an hour weekly, this soon mounts up. A year of this will cost you £3,200 with a cheap Therapist (and who feels confident of results when working with the cheapest person in town?).
Then you have to factor in the cost of your own time. With all those hours in Therapy, what is the cost of your time? You may have to take time off work. Perhaps you are self-employed and are not earning during this time?
Most people, after Hypnotherapy sessions, feel significantly more energised and motivated, which increases their productivity and potentially their earning power.
With Hypnotherapy, you will likely pay less money, get there much quicker and, in my experience, get better results.
4. You are going to save a lot of time.
I don’t know about you, but for me, time is one of the most precious commodities in my life. We live busy lives. Time is precious. You can’t get it back once it’s gone. Who wants to spend months and years in therapy when you could spend just one, two, or three sessions with a Hypnotherapist?
Ongoing, weekly treatment takes up much time, especially if you are seeing people in person. An hour’s appointment can easily take 2 hours out of your day when you factor in travel, parking and the interruption to your working day.
5. You will likely feel more uplifted and positive after a Hypnotherapy session
How do you want to feel when you ‘leave the Therapy Room or Online call’? Because many people in Talking Therapy tell me that they leave their weekly session feeling frustrated that they are not moving forward or even leaving the room feeling worse than when they went in. As a consumer of counselling in the past, I can relate to their experience. A Counselling session kicking off with “how’s your week been?” These sessions, where we discuss the issues, can often feel like reopening the wound. Just talking about your problems repeatedly doesn’t help. People don’t want to keep reopening the wound. People want to move on, feel better, and get where they want. In a Hypnotherapy session, the focus is for you to leave that room feeling good. We want you to leave the room feeling better than you came in. After a Hypnotherapy session, people almost always report feeling lighter and happier, and that internal change is already taking place. How do you want to leave your therapy session feeling? Feeling uplifted or keep going back to talking about the same problems.
That’s my five reasons why Hypnotherapy is better than talking therapy for many people.
Good Hypnotherapists get great results quickly, we minimise the long-term costs, we bring you back to living your life in the minimum of time, and you leave a session feeling better about yourself than you did going into the room.
What other factors matter?
Of course, other factors come into play and affect the results that Therapists get. These include
- The quality and experience of the Therapist. You need to get the best person for you and not just the most local or available person.
- The willingness and ‘buy-in’ of the patient or client. You need to be ready to change and willing to work with your Therapist.
- How well the Therapist and the Client relate to each other. A strong connection makes a big difference. A good therapist needs to make a client feel relaxed and have confidence in their ability to help the client.
- The familiarity of the Therapist with the issue that you are struggling with.
- The type of Hypnotherapy. There are different approaches to Hypnotherapy and different methods. Some methods combine Hypnotherapy with other modalities; some involve a program of work. Understand the process of various hypnotherapists and what approach suits you.
Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoyed it, and please let me know your feedback or comments!
About the Author
Jonathan Butler is the co-founder of Therapy Marketing Services. Therapy marketing services is a marketing agency dedicated to promoting hypnotherapy and making hypnotherapists successful and founded by a successful Hypnotherapist and a Digital Marketing expert who specialises in working with hypnotherapists. We enable our clients to help more people, earn the money they deserve and spend less time doing the tasks they hate doing. Using our BOOST Academy model, we provide a blueprint for Hypnotherapists to build a successful, sustainable hypnotherapy Practice.
Our website is helpforhypnotherapists.com.
Jonathan Butler is the Founder of My Fit Mind and Boost Performance Coaching. His mission is to make Hypnotherapy the go-to therapy for people suffering from anxiety-related issues. Hypnotherapy, in all of its forms, is a powerful tool for creating fast changes to how we think, feel and act. Jonathan is a highly experienced Clinical Hypnotherapist, Rapid Transformational (RTT) Therapist, and one of the most experienced RTT Therapists globally. He is the Author of the Amazon Best Selling Book “Bye-Bye Anxiety. Your four steps to Greater Confidence, Calmness and Contentment
Jonathan is also the Founder of BOOST Performance Coaching. A Unique Coaching Program that Combines the power of Hypnotherapy with the personal Knowledge of driving exponential growth in some of the world’s largest technology companies.
Author Profile
Steve has spent his career working in technology, focused on using technology to improve processes, reduce effort and harness the power of data.
Steve intimately understands Google and technologies critical to a therapy business today. He understands the algorithms and has tremendous insights into emerging technologies such as Artificial Intelligence that present an incredible opportunity for therapists. His knowledge allows us as therapists to reach our target audience and for our target audience to find the right therapist for them. Steve has worked extensively around leveraging technology for hypnotherapists for the last three years.
Steve is an expert in organic marketing, allowing hypnotherapists to grow credibility and online ‘authority’ without the need for expensive advertising or hours on social media.
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