Get set for a successful 2025

2025 is nearly upon us. Its a great time to plan for the year ahead and get off to a great start.
The new year is typically the best time of year for hypnotherapists, as so many people want to make a new start with a new year.
New year’s resolutions and the zest to get off to a flying start mean that demand soars for therapists and coaches in the first couple of months of the year.
Here is a quick tip that can help you maximise the number of potential clients that find you online.
As most people will use Google to find your services, its really important to maximise your visibility.
A while ago, Google added an activity timer to Google Business profiles and web site content. By updating the content in your profile, you can help Google boost your importance.
There are a number of things you can do.
- Update your opening times and dates for the holiday period.
- Add some news to your profile.
- Make minor improvements to your listing.
That’s it; that’s all you need to do to give your profile a gentle boost in Google’s eyes.
If your profile is not updated every few months, Google may actually stop listing your services. This tends to happen in busy areas, such as city suburbs, where there are lots of local competitors. If you are more rural, this seems to happen a lot less frequently as they don’t have many sites to replace you with.
However, as a rule, you should update your profile every couple of months, but particularly around holidays when demand tends to go up!
Wishing you a prosperous 2025.
Author Profile
Steve has spent his career working in technology, focused on using technology to improve processes, reduce effort and harness the power of data.
Steve intimately understands Google and technologies critical to a therapy business today. He understands the algorithms and has tremendous insights into emerging technologies such as Artificial Intelligence that present an incredible opportunity for therapists. His knowledge allows us as therapists to reach our target audience and for our target audience to find the right therapist for them. Steve has worked extensively around leveraging technology for hypnotherapists for the last three years.
Steve is an expert in organic marketing, allowing hypnotherapists to grow credibility and online ‘authority’ without the need for expensive advertising or hours on social media.
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